
To initially set up your website we need a deposit of $600 to secure your domain name and hosting for 12 months.

If you wish, so that come next year you don't need to come up with the $150 in one hit, you can select the option to pay by the month so that come your 12 month anniversary you have already paid your $150 for your renewal. This option is only available for existing customers who already have their sites with us. 


Once your site is completed we will require payment of the balance – $600 this is for a 5 page site. 

If you require any additional pages they will be charged at $100 a page and any additional work outside of the original site quote will be charged at $60/hour. We will send you an invoice for the work completed and you can simply just enter the amount into the custom amount section, this is for if you are having more than just one page or one hour of additional work done. 

You can make payment for these either through PayPal or you can contact us for our bank details so that the money can be deposited straight into our bank account. 

The payments will show up as being paid to Micro Maze Pty Ltd who is our parent company so you are at the right place.